How do alerts and notifications work once a referral has been awarded?

Notifications and emails remind the receiving agent/office to keep the sending side up to date on the status of a referral throughout its lifecycle.
Once a referral has been granted, an update must be provided within 7 days. Following that, updates must be provided every 30 days or less.
Notifications and alerts notify the user when status update deadlines are approaching. Once an update is provided, these notifications will stop until the next applicable deadline approaches.
If a status update is not provided within 30 days, the receiving office is given a 10-day buffer period to update the referral. During this time, every two days, reminders are sent to the receiving office/agent informing them that a status update is overdue.
If no status update is provided within the 10-day buffer period, the referral added to PAST DUE status.
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