How do I complete a contract to activate the referral?

A referral will not be active until both sides have completed and signed the contract. Depending on the type of referral, there are two different processes:

a. Referrals where the Receiving party has been DIRECTLY approached:

The Receiving Party must select the referral from the Inbound Referrals tab (in the Dashboard) and, if they choose to work on the referral, they must enter their details into the contract via the "Add Contract Details" button:

Once the details have been entered, the Receiving Agent must check the contract is correct before selecting "Click to Sign" at the bottom of the page.

The Sending Agent will then receive a notification that the Receiving Party has accepted the terms and signed the contract. The Sending Agent must complete the contract by countersigning it within the platform (select the referral in the Outbound Referrals tab in the Dashboard) and select "Click to Sign" at the bottom of the page. Once the contract has been completed by both parties, the referral is ACTIVE and client information is released.

b. Referrals that have been POSTED to the market (Cross-branded), or that the Receiving Party has been INVITED to apply to:

Agents / Offices will be notified if they have been successfully awarded a referral that they applied to work on (either a market referral or an invite referral). After being awarded the referral, the Receiving Party must enter their details into the contract via the "Add Contract Details" button within the referral. The Receiving Agent must check the contract is correct before selecting "Click to Sign". Once the Receiving Agent has signed, the Sending Agent will then receive a notification to countersign.

The Sending Agent must complete the contract by countersigning it within the platform (selecting the referral in the Outbound Referrals tab in the Dashboard) and selecting "Click to Sign" at the bottom of the page. Once the contract has been completed by both parties, the referral is ACTIVE and client information is released.

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