How do I populate contract as the Receiving Party?
- Sales Associate
- Relocation Director
- Referral Coordinator
- Referral Contact
- Do not specify the role
The Name and Role are provided in the form that appears on the referral details page after the user clicks “Add Contract Details” prior to signing the contract.
The “Name” field will be initially populated with the RC Name, but users can change this to suit their purpose (Agent/RC/Company/Any Name).
The “Role” field was previously preset to “Sales Associate”; now users can choose from the following options from a drop-down list:
The Receiving Party information is retrieved from the assigned Office and Agent. The assigned Office and/or Agent are as selected by the Sending Side during the creation of the referral. The Receiving Side can choose to change this when accepting the referral and adding Contract details.
Receiving Agent Name is not mandatory in the form, so the user can leave it empty if they don’t want to assign a specific agent, and in this case, the Agent Name field will be omitted from the contract. However, if the Sending Side has specifically requested for an Agent, then the Receiving Side RC cannot change this. Users can identify this by checking in the “Referral Details” tab, in the “Requested Agent” section, Mandatory = TRUE.
Receiving Office Name is mandatory, and depending on the selected Office, its address will be retrieved. The office address is retrieved from Dash.
The information displayed below the signature line comes from multiple sources:
- The Brokerage Name is retrieved from the assigned Office. This is as assigned by the Sending Side during the creation of the referral, which can be re-assigned by the Receiving RC at the point of accepting the referral.
- The Registered Broker Address is retrieved from the Contract Details form.
- The RC Name is provided at the point of signing. Prior to signing, a “Click to sign” button is available, and below the signature line, the Receiving Office Name and Registered Broker Address are displayed.