How does the Contract look like?

From 26th January 2022, a new version of the contract/referral agreement is available on the SIR Global Referral Network.

  • The new contract is applicable to all referrals where both sending and receiving parties belong to Sotheby’s International Realty. Cross-brand referrals will continue to use the old version of the contract.

    Base GRN Contract.pdf

  • At the time of implementation, a SIR-to-SIR contract that is already signed by at least 1 party will remain in the old version of the contract.

    Old SIR Contract.pdf

    Should users wish to upgrade to the new version of the contract, we advise the sending side to cancel the referral and re-assign to the same receiving party. This creates a new contract that will use the new version.

Below is a sample of the new contract; in red text are the dynamically populated sections, most of which are updated in this iteration:New SIR Contract.pdf

Below is a quick summary of the updates:

  • A section for Client Information is added to the contract, to display the Client’s Full Name (Title, First Name, Last Name) and address.
  • Sending/Receiving Party information displayed at the top portion of the contract is updated to include the Agent Name, Office Name, and Office Address. All this information will be retrieved programmatically from the assigned Office and Agent at the point of viewing, and once the contract is signed by either party, this information will be frozen.
  • The Sending/Receiving Side Name displayed at the top left of the contract will remain based on user input, so users can continue to flexibly populate this field with Agent Name/Referral Contact Name/Company Name, depending on what suits each office’s usage. A new field “Role” is added to the input form so that users can specify if the Sending/Receiving Side Name is a Sales Associate, Relocation Director, Referral Coordinator, Referral Contact, or choose not to display it at all. (Previously, this was statically displayed as “Sales Associate”)
  • The signature lines displayed at the bottom of the contract is updated to show more information: Brokerage Name (programmatically populated based on the assigned office), Registered Broker Address (populated based on user input), RC Name (pre-populated based on the user signing the contract, but can be edited by the same user), and RC Contact Number (pre-populated based on the user signing the contract, but can be edited by the same user).
  • Updated/Clarified wording throughout the main content of the referral agreement.
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