As on 23rd April 2022

23rd April

Release Notes for the week: (SIR)

  1. Referral Lifecycle: A referral will be considered "Closed" once a Successful Transaction is reported by the receiving side.
  • Users may still continue to track payments and complete the lifecycle in the system, at which point the referral will be marked as "Completed".
  • The Sending Side can raise a Payment Inquiry if the payment was not received, which will alert the Receiving Side to provide confirmation and additional information about the payment.
  • The new lifecycle is applicable to all open referrals that have not yet reached status = Successful Transaction, and all new referrals created moving forward. Referrals with status = Successful Transaction at the time of the release will continue to be in "Active" state; please continue to complete the lifecycle to close them.

2. Fix for recurring "Error 413" encountered by some users. For users who access the system via incognito mode, please try logging in to the GRN normally, and let us know if you encounter any issues.

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