As on 20th June 2022

20th July 2022

In our ongoing effort to improve the Global Referral Network, we are pleased to announce that we have released new features, improvements, and bug fixes to the platform:

New features & Improvements:

  • Closed referrals with status = "Successful Transaction" can now be re-opened, which reverts the status of the referral back to "Active". With this feature, users can perform corrections on incorrect transaction/commission/referral fee values, or just rollback the status in case the transaction was not actually completed. This action can only be performed by the Receiving Side as long as the Sending Side have not yet marked the payment as received.

Improvement to setting a Referral Nickname: This can now be done by editing the header section of the referral form:

  • Improved responsiveness of the new referral form: For smaller screens, the navigation bar is sticky at the top instead of on the left to maximize form space. Action buttons to save and publish the referral are sticky on the bottom of the page.
  • Improvement to the Referral History section to capture edits made to referral information after the referral was created
  • Updated wording on the Referral Form to better describe input fields and expected actions from users

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where users are unable to edit the Registered Broker Address fields in the Referral Form.
  • Fixed issues where users are unable to create and publish a referral after providing all required information.
  • Fixed an issue where users are getting an error message when trying to sign the contract.
  • Fixed an issue with the Referral Lifecycle bar displaying incorrect status of the referral when Closed but not yet Completed.
  • Fixed an issue where referral drafts cannot be deleted in bulk. The "Delete All" button is now functional.

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