How to create an Intra-Office Referral?

The same referral form can be used to generate intra-office referrals. When creating an intra-office referral, there are three rules to follow:

  • Placement Method = "Direct," and check the box next to "This is an Intra-Office Referral.
  • For the Receiving Partner, choose an Agent rather than an Office. If Step 1 is completed, the list of Receiving Partners is automatically filtered to show only Agent profiles from Offices managed by the user. 

  •  Designate a Sending Agent, who must be one of the following:
  1. Being assigned to the same office as the Receiving Agent
  2. The Agent is not the same as the Receiving Agent.
 NOTE: The option to “Do not assign an Agent” is available in Intra-Office Referral.
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