How to create an External Referral?
Users can track a referral with a partner outside of the Global Referral Network by creating a referral and selecting Placement Method = "External" while placing the referral.
Once you select the External Method of Placement, the user then needs to either select an external partner from the list of offices, or add a new one.
1. If the user chooses to create a new External Office, they must provide all information about the Office, Agent, and Referral Contact:
2. If the user selects an External Office that was previously created, they can also choose to create a new Agent or Referral for that Office, if the profile does not yet exist.
Users can quickly search for Offices or Agents they already know by using the filters
By default, the first Agent/Referral Contact in the list is pre-selected, and users can either choose a different one from the drop down, or add a new Agent/Referral Contact.3. All other elements of the referral form remain the same — Client Information, Referral Destination Market, Client Preferences.
4. In Commission & Contract section, depending on the type of referral selected, the user selects their Office/Agent from the drop down list as either Sending Party or Receiving Party.
5. Once all mandatory information are provided, the External Referral will be successfully created, and activated. There will be no contracts to sign for External Referrals, users may upload a signed contract for tracking purposes.
NOTE: All External Offices, Agents, and Co-ordinators are shared with the entire Brand network, e.g. SIR will have a common External Office/Agent/Referral Contact directory.