W9 Form

Q: Where can I download the W9 form? A:

You can download the W9 form from the IRS website here, or you can use a tax preparation software that includes the form. Additionally, some accounting software platforms may offer the form as a downloadable document.

Q: How do I fill out the W9 form? A: The W9 form requires you to provide your name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN), which can be your Social Security number or Employer Identification Number (EIN). You will also need to indicate your business type, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.

Q: How do I attach the W9 form to a referral in GRN? A: To attach the W9 form to a referral in GRN, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GRN account and navigate to the referral for which you need to attach the W9 form.
  2. Click on the "Attachments" tab.
  3. Click the "Upload" button and select the W9 form from your computer.

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