As on 20th April 2023
📌 New features & Improvements
- Overall improvement on the page loading speed.
- Updated the Referral Thumbnail: Office name is now more prominent
- Updated the Quick Search bar: Now users can search by Client Name
Referral Creation form
- Added new fields to capture Client Contact Preferences (both fields are optional):
- Phone Contact Mode (Call the client, Text/SMS the client, or Text before calling, Don't call or text, just email)
- Client Time Zone
- Updated the number of colleagues in Referral Destination Market to show a breakdown of Offices and Agents
Referral Details Page
- Improved the Referral flow: Now users can add Payment Date when marking the Referral Fee as Sent or Received.
- Updated the Status Update tab: When reporting a Successful Transaction, now a user can enter the Commission Amount as % or $. If the user enters the percentage, the Commission Amount will be automatically calculated based on the Transaction Amount entered. If the user enters the amount, the percentage will be automatically calculated based on the Transaction Amount entered.
📌 Bug fixes
- Updated fee percentage values on the award offer modal to Referral creation fee values.
- Fixed an issue with multiple errors caused by cookies.